
To promote all kinds of spanking


I consider myself a fairly simple man living the good life. I’m married to a wonderful woman who is my best friend and soulmate in so many ways. We have a daughter who enjoys all of the things a girl her age does. We own a home, work, live, laugh and love. I have one of the best jobs in the world as a firefighter and truly love what I do – even if I do ride a desk more frequently than I ride a fire engine these days.

I’m also kinky, and this blog is primarily about my exploration of that aspect of who I am – with occasional digressions into the more mundane.

Kink for me is primarily about spanking. The interest has been part of my psyche as far back as I can consciously remember, and I’ve been exploring it since my early 20s. As I’ve explored and learned, my kink interests have shifted and expanded, but spanking remains at the core.

I hope you enjoy the exploration as much as I do.

If you have any questions, I’m happy to answer them,

you can write me at spankozblog at gmail com , or drop a comment.

See you!