Since I never really finished my Shadow Lane party report, I’ll touch on one aspect I wanted to mention about the Saturday night dinner. And since my wife’s a much more attractive model than I am, I’ve interspersed this with some pictures I took of her wearing it (OK, wearing part of it) after returning home from the party.

Starting at last year’s party, Bailey began “suggesting” that I wear my fire department dress uniform to this year’s party. At first, I wasn’t too crazy about this idea, but upon further reflection, I began to like it more and more. First, I should point out that my dress uniform from my old volunteer fire department has absolutely no specific identifying marks on it. There is no patch on the shoulder and the other features (buttons, rank insignia, etc) are all generic, so the only thing that provides any sort of departmental identification is the badge. Even the uniform itself is a fairly common style…in fact, my dress uniform from my new department (which does have a patch) is practically identical. Now, I’d never wear a departmental badge to something like this, but generic fire department badges are fairly easy to come by, so I picked one up and thus my old uniform became suitable for a party setting.

So, Saturday night, I fully reveled in the narcissistic pleasure of wearing the uniform to the party.

Bailey was, of course, suitably pleased, and I got quite a few more comments and compliments, including a very nice one which Niki Flynn mentioned on her blog. Any trepidation I’d felt about wearing the uniform pretty much disappeared.

I did end up giving a couple of spankings in uniform, including a rather fun spur-of-the-moment one in one of the suite parties. I was sitting on the couch chatting with Bailey when the hostess mentioned that she’d not seen me spank someone in a fireman’s carry position. I grinned and looked at Bailey, who grinned back and nodded, and she was soon hoisted over my shoulder getting her cute little bottom smacked. It was only as I set her back on her feet that I realized the whole room had pretty much gone quiet to watch. *grins*

So, the uniform will probably be making a repeat appearance at next year’s party. Until then, here’s a couple of pics of my lovely wife modeling it for your enjoyment.